Bay Area Currents (2009)
Donna Anderson Kam
(06-08) 17:17 EST Waltham, MA. (AP) (from datelines series) (detail), 2009
Pastel on paper
"The drawings entitled datelines document events borrowed from on-line and print news sources. As biographies of the modern social experience, these drawings address contradictions in contemporary culture and their potential consequences. The consumption based economy, a media influenced identity and the unrealistic expectation of personal prosperity inspired by a constant barrage of messages from the media to consume/ renew/refresh (to mention a few) have created a mountain of discarded commercial goods, cultural amnesia and the many spiritually impoverished "consumers" that exist today." - Donna Anderson Kam
Bay Area Currents 2009
June 23 - July 24, 2009
Pro Arts Gallery
Oakland, CA