Present Tense Biennial: Chinese Character (2009)
Nadim Sabella
In the Fog III, 2008-09
Digital c-print
"Global climate change will be accompanied by perverse images: lush farmland turned to desert, roadways and homes submerged in floodwater, or boats marooned on land. Images such as these, while dramatic and captivating, allude only to the complexity and braided nature of contemporary environmentalism.
While the cause and effect relationship of increased carbon in the atmosphere is easily explained by science, the human cost of an environmental pandemic is not. Only images of the disruption of human life and a changed landscape will aid in the comprehension of the power of an unbalanced climate.
Natural disasters and the results of a changing climate are something that effect entire communities, not just individuals. The unraveling of the world’s climate will continue to leave a legacy of non sequitur images.
Working with miniatures allows me to create illusions of what one day may become harsh reality. As our planet’s temperature continues to rise our Bay Area too will be facing the consequences of the ocean’s water level rising." - Nadim Sabella
Present Tense Biennial: Chinese Character
May 1 - August 23, 2009
Chinese Culture Center
San Francisco, CA